Learn about the projects the BAA are working on within the Baking Industry
Current Projects
Women in Non Traditional Trades
Mikayla Bragg is one of the lead female mentors for the BAA she continues to share her knowledge with many up and coming apprentices in our industry.
More great stories of Women in Non-Traditional trades from the Agrifood ITAB
Rising to the Trade
The Rising to the Trade, Baking Industry Experienced Workers Qualification Pathfinders Program is an easier and simple way for candidates to get their skills recognised. The program is designed for people who have or had a career in the baking industry but not had their skills formally recognised.
Don't waste your Dough
The BAA in partnership with Stop Food Waste Australia and the NSW EPA have released a toolkit handbook to help all bakery owners reduce food waste and get ready for Source Separation. Find out more on how to ensure your bakery wastage is kept to a minimum by clicking this link.